Sunday School & Small Groups

We have two times for Sunday school. 10:00 AM and 10:20ish AM. 

We also have a Working Age Adult class that begins at 10:00 AM in the conference room in the New Life Center. Many of these people attend the 11:00 "Journey" service. 

For those that attend the 9:30 service, which usually ends at about 10:15. We have two adult groups. The Seekers and the Lamplighters are our two Adult classes. These groups are located on the first floor of the original building. (one floor below the sanctuary and/or directly across from our fellowship hall where several meet after worship for cookies and conversation.

While these classes mainly comprise our older adults, you are always welcome.

Many of our younger Adults choose to attend various short-term small groups that occur at various places at various times. However, if you are interested in a new Adult Sunday school we will create a class and recruit a leader. 

Churches use all sorts of names for small groups—life groups, growth groups, home groups, and cell groups. They also use various models, strategies for connection plans for assimilation, and church-specific vision and goals for their group ministries. Yet all would agree that small groups are a means to an end, not an end in and of themselves. Small groups exist as a way for people to engage in a biblical community that helps them become more like Jesus in every area of their lives. The following are a few key biblical foundations, ministry purposes, and benefits of small groups.

For our children, we have what is called J.A.M. which is located on the second floor of the original building. The same level as the sanctuary. The classes are for toddlers through 4th grade. At the end of worship, we have an adult within the sanctuary who will escort everyone to their respective classes. 

We also have small groups for young children on Wednesday evenings, ages toddler through 4th grade. In addition, we have a Sunday evening group for middle school-age students and a Mentoring program for our High School students.

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