Blessed are the crazy - breaking the silence about mental illness in family and church


"Blessed Are the Crazy" is a memoir written by Sarah Griffith Lund, which focuses on her experience with mental illness and how it impacted her life and faith. Some of the key highlights of the book include:

The author's personal struggle with bipolar disorder and suicidal thoughts and how it impacted her life and relationships.
The exploration of the intersection of faith and mental illness, including the author's initial reluctance to seek medical treatment for fear of going against her religious beliefs.
The author's experience with the mental health care system and the challenges she faced in finding the right diagnosis and treatment.

The frank discussion of the stigma surrounding mental illness, both within the author's personal life and in society as a whole.
The author's advocacy for greater understanding and empathy towards those struggling with mental illness, and her message of hope and healing for those who may feel hopeless or alone.
The exploration of the author's family dynamics, including her parents' own struggles with mental health issues, and how this impacted her own journey towards recovery.
Overall, "Blessed Are the Crazy" is a powerful and honest account of one person's experience with mental illness, and it has resonated with many readers who have found the author's story to be relatable and inspiring.
Overall, "Blessed Are the Crazy" is a powerful and moving account of one woman's experience with mental illness and her journey toward healing, and it offers valuable insights and perspectives for anyone who has been touched by mental health struggles.
HopeSpiritualityCultureMental Health
Posted by Rev. Keith Vessell

Liz served First UMC as the Associate Pastor for four years before becoming the Senior Pastor. Liz believes that the Holy Spirit is at work at First UMC and loves walking alongside the church, witnessing this amazing work. Liz loves seeing people grow in their faith and discover strengths they never knew they had. This is a passion of her work in raising up new Christian leadership and community. 

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