The Multicultural Church

I finished reading "The Multi-Cultural Church." Here are the highlights that I found interesting.
  • The church needs to reclaim its leadership in the journey of reconciliation. 
  •  How can we help heal the wounds of segregation and separatism?
    • Reconciliation comes from the Greek word dKatallasso, which means "to change."
  • Changing the hearts of God's people is a spiritual matter that is to be handled with care. 
  • It is not just about the pastor. They need a sidekick. Someone that is dependable to "stand with" and "stand in for" the pastor. They are the ambassadors. 
  • The focus of the multicultural ministry is to be a reconciler across a diverse body of believers. 
  • In order to understand you must make an attempt to walk in their shoes. 
  • Teaching and spreading love is the foundation of reconciliation. 
Posted by Rev. Keith Vessell

Liz served First UMC as the Associate Pastor for four years before becoming the Senior Pastor. Liz believes that the Holy Spirit is at work at First UMC and loves walking alongside the church, witnessing this amazing work. Liz loves seeing people grow in their faith and discover strengths they never knew they had. This is a passion of her work in raising up new Christian leadership and community. 

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