That's Good News


"That's Good News" is written by Shane L. Bishop. This book explores how to talk about Jesus with others when most of us hesitate to share our faith. 

  • His definition of Evangelism is sharing Jesus Christ's message under the Holy Spirit's influence. This is where I think I haven't done a very good job in my career of teaching people how to be led by the Holy Spirit. It is not restricted to those with an exceptional degree. It is necessary for the success of the future church as the laity will be and should be more in charge of the emergence of ministry and doing good.
  • We should reclaim the method of evangelism that is about receiving a life filled with peace, purpose, and passion.
  • Uses Matthew 13 to make a point that God is giving us time to share the gospel before Jesus returns. 
  • Continues with Matthew 13 to utilize the mustard seed parable. God is still active. Do you want to be part of it?
  •  Bishop names 5 mustard seed steps. 1. Gear up - wear your logo etc on shirts, hats, etc. Something that may cause someone to ask you about your church. 2. Get Carded - Have business-sized cards with church information on them. Each member keeps the cards with you. 3. Run the Offense - If someone asks you about your church you can simply say you like it and I give them a card. 4. Pray - Say a short prayer right after that God will touch the life of the person you gave a card to. 5. Preach the Gospel  - Make sure you have opportunities to respond when people are ready.
  • Sharing the Good News means that you are doing the work to be transformed yourself. That's the first real step.
  • Personal invitation is the main and most effective way to get people to try your church.
  • Taking a risk is part of the deal. In invitation and in mission.
  • "There is nothing more threatening to the Kingdom of Heaven than faith at rest."
  • Sharing the Gospel goes from hearing to believing, receiving, confessing, engaging, and sharing.
  • "No greater joy exists in the life of a Christian than leading someone to faith in Jesus Christ."
  • It's a high-volume enterprise. When I talked with the author he told me that probably 1% of those invited come and 1% of those that come to church stay. 
Posted by Rev. Keith Vessell

Liz served First UMC as the Associate Pastor for four years before becoming the Senior Pastor. Liz believes that the Holy Spirit is at work at First UMC and loves walking alongside the church, witnessing this amazing work. Liz loves seeing people grow in their faith and discover strengths they never knew they had. This is a passion of her work in raising up new Christian leadership and community. 

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